Dokkyo Medical University Library

The Japanese Journal of Genetics

Genetics Society of Japan. -- Vol. 37, no. 1 (Feb. 1962)-v. 70, no. 6 (Dec. 1995). -- Genetics Society of Japan, 1962. <SB00030506>
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No. Library Location Location2 Call No Volume Available Years/Months Accession status Alert
0001 Mibu 3F_雑誌書架 45-70 1970-1995
No. 0001
Library Mibu
Location 3F_雑誌書架
Call No
Volume 45-70
Available Years/Months 1970-1995
Accession status

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area The Japanese Journal of Genetics / Genetics Society of Japan
Japanese journal genetics
Volumes and Years of Serial Vol. 37, no. 1 (Feb. 1962)-v. 70, no. 6 (Dec. 1995)
publication,distribution,etc.,area Mishima : Genetics Society of Japan , 1962-1995
physical description area 34 v. : ill. ; 26 cm
variant titles 裏表紙タイトル:遺傳學雜誌
イデンガク ザッシ
variant titles 奥付タイトル:遺伝学雑誌
イデンガク ザッシ
variant titles 略タイトル(雑誌書誌レコード):Jpn. j. genet.
variant titles 欄外タイトル:Jap. jour. genet.
note Title from cover
note Text in: English or Japanese
NCID AA00690924
text language code English Japanese
frequency of publication code Bimonthly
ISSN 0021504X
relation bibliography link 継続前誌 :遺傳學雜誌 / 日本遺傳學會 [編] <SB00002710>
relation bibliography link 継続後誌 :Genes & genetic systems / the Genetics Society of Japan <SB00026779>
author link 日本遺伝学会||ニホン イデン ガッカイ <AU00003496>
subject headings Genetics -- Periodicals